I  hold private mediation, training and therapeutic sessions for couples, families and individuals.
In the last ten years, in addition to teaching NVC  and working with couples in my Therapy Practice , I have taught  NVC skills to diverse groups of people: to early childhood educators and caregivers in the Israeli Education Department and Wizo Day Care Centers, to Palestinian/Israeli and Israeli-Arab youth in The Peace Academy, addiction rehabilitation centers, and am a volunteer in “Enosh” a community-based mental health rehabilitation organisation.

I am a regular workshop leader in NVC Events and Festivals in Israel and lead my own Empathy Circle Practice since 2020.

Periodically I am asked to mediate between various groups making up the web of Israeli society - politically opposed parties and recently as a result of October 7 events - an Arab-Israeli women’s group.( NEIMA)I love combining  private practice with engaging with people in organizations.

I love introducing people to the path of NVC!
Hand holding flower together
Couples therapy
What went wrong?
Despite both partners sharing a profound and genuine desire for love and connection, it's common for numerous obstacles to surface, many of which have deep roots in childhood.

My mission is to help unearth these barriers, meeting you both exactly where you stand today. In an environment that is safe, non-judgmental, and accepting, you will embark on a journey to perceive each other through a fresh, compassionate lens.

This transformation will lead gradually to an increased closeness, enhanced caring, improved communication, and a deeper sense of intimacy.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

Parent - Adult Child Mediation
Our innate need for attachment shapes our lives, yet unmet early on, it casts shadows on self-esteem, professional pursuits, and closest relationships.
Regrettably, many families navigate childhood unaware of wounds inflicted. This extends beyond the parent-adult child relationship to impact future connections in marriage and parenthood.

In my practice, I've found numerous adult children seeking acknowledgment for past pain, sparking a transformative healing process. Often, this journey offers parents a chance to release guilt and to be seen anew.

However, such transformation requires courage, a willingness to reassess beliefs, cultivate awareness and mourn the past, together.

I provide a secure environment and compassionate presence for you to embark on this journey. The rewards are truly invaluable.
Are you ready?
“We are born in relationship, we are wounded in relationship, and we can be healed in relationship.”

Dr. Harvill Hendrix
Throughout my career, I've mediated in diverse group settings, ranging from communities and politically opposed individuals in Israeli politics to Arab and Jewish women's groups, work teams, teachers and students, and families. In each case, I've observed a common theme: people are often caught up in expressing and defending their opinions, eager to find swift solutions.

As a mediator, my role is to guide your group, utilizing Nonviolent Communication tools, to uncover, articulate, and share each other's needs and longings. The goal is to foster deep understanding, ensuring everyone feels heard and acknowledged, creating a profound sense of empathy in the room. I have observed in countless situations, that from this connection, organic and enduring strategies and solutions naturally emerge.

In addition, your group will acquire valuable skills through this process, equipping you to navigate conflicts effectively in the future.
“When we are connected at the level of needs, the solutions find us.”

Marshall Rosenberg
Hand holding big
"Our survival as a species depends on our ability to recognize that our well-being and the well-being of others are in fact one and the same"
Marshall B. Rosenberg